Sunday, July 30, 2006

i strolled down to the deli to get the papers on a saturday morning a couple of weeks ago with no intention of spending the day loitering in laneways with my camera. then i saw this.

triple bambi

lone stripey bambi

is this a pixelated eye?

one day you'll be nostalgic for now

the bats, the baaaaats

the first one of these i saw was upsidedown, which made it really really hard to work out what the hell was going on. in any case.....ooooweeee

twosome. where exactly is the second guy's head?

jekyllwood self harm all in a row

this looks like a black hole, but with super-imposed canine hallucination. what type of dog is that? for the life of me i can't remember what they're called.

there's been so much cool work here over the years. it's been fairly static for a while but i still check....just in case.

an eyeball with faery wings and eagle talons, of course!

i know i said no more wanjinas, but how awesome is this picture?

another ambitious sign reverse

newish head, northbridge

they're getting all embelished. or maybe just glammed up for going out.

hypnotised greenie

orange head riding a horsey, mt lawley

goldie and blackie hangin' out in northbridge

dufus giraffe

Saturday, July 22, 2006

good advice

there is no evidence of this in the current news. Israel has a lot to fucking answer for as far as i'm concerned.

on the postbox too!

lemee jusht say wun more thinggg

trollesque? Northbridge

some troll type creatures

troll on a bin, Leederville...twice!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

freo stencils

i have been meaning to add casper's blog to my sidebar for ages. go to freo stencils now and check it out! here is a sample picture.....
pretty isn't she? now go there!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


so these things are wanjinas and there are more and more of them around. i'd love to know who's doing them. here is a pertinent bit of info "... the Wanjina rock paintings and the living tradition that is being keep "fresh" through "touching" up the old rock paintings and creating new "modern" expressions of the Wanjina - "eternal manifestations of the sacred life force ... the supernatural ancestors" of the local aborigines (including the Worrorra, Ngarinyin and the Wunambal")

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

black dove.

well. i know what it's not.

aloof girl in a hat, on a wave. (with yok friend)

this looks like a tarot card

i've never seen the silver kids before, but if they're about making things pretty shiny and silver, i like them already.

love the 'fro comb on the guy on the left!

thanks povo. is this betty page?

these weird thingies are about the place


seen him before, but not here

yes. yes it does.

same artist?

anarchy/commie star

the gnomes have been pumping iron!
look closer...see it? booyah!

gr says

this is exactly what we're saying

so this was an ad for zonkmagazine for about a day, and then it was this blunt yet possibly sensible advice for about 2 days, and now it's gone altogether. i didn't have my camera that day so thanks panda for the helping hand! never never never leave home without your camera. you might see something as classy as this and not be able to capture it, and we all know what a massive tragedy that would be!